My Curses never saw the market. They sold to pilots I know well, and I know they will serve the people of the Tribes. The experiment was informative: it is possible to build slavery-free Amarrian hulls once you have access to the basic blueprints.
Johan suicide-ganked a red miner. "For science!" he declared, and assured the others in the system that they needn't fear, because that pilot was red.
... the first red miner he happened to stumble across.
What's the difference, really, between this and what Rote Kapelle did to CJ?
It's legitimate under our RoE. Does that make it prudent? Does that lessen the evil we do to learn how to avert a greater evil? The techniques of terror are in our arsenal, yes, and we will use them when they further our cause... but do we need to practise them in our own belts?
"On, offspring of Matar! Set free your lands, your children, kin, homes of your ancestors and temples of your gods! Save all, or all is lost!"
But does that justify... anything?
Against the day Amarr invades in earnest.
Against the day we pilots earn our keep.
We are the cursed. So much blood on our hands, to keep the hands of others clean. The people feed our bloodlust, pay the tithe, to make us stronger. We will be their monsters; fight their battles.
Let us be good enough.
Let us be ruthless enough.
Is it weak of me to ask that we not become too ruthless, devouring our own brood?
Personal Diary 23.2.115
11 years ago
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