Saturday, May 15, 2010


My teeth are chattering as I write this. I'm wrapped in a blanket with a warm mug of something Auntie Gytha brewed up.

I danced today. For Ko Braya – for the gathering – and to have my marks witnessed. That last bit meant I wasn't wearing very much. And it's cold here. And the dance involved water. Which would all have been okay except that afterwards I was asked to wait around, cooling down, while the techs took altogether too long to confirm that the recordings were clear and uncorrupted. I froze while my people tried to make it through from the other side of the main arena with my cloak.

After they confirmed the recordings I got a surprise: something I hadn't thought would happen so soon. I've been acknowledged as a teacher. I know enough about the dance forms to pass them on, and I'm okay with students. I can, officially, do what I've been doing this last week. This is unexpected and really rather special. And will require another mark.

But the clans have witnessed my marks. When I carry them over ... should I say that my marks will be notarised? The voluval, anyway. I'll have footnotes worked into the new designs.

There's much discussion over the designs for my new marks. Also suggestions about a few other things to add while we're at it. Oh, and while we're here Ulf's getting a mark for the relief of Lantorn.

I'm finding the hard way that not all my marks are visible.

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